PC4 2400T Server 32GB as picture

  • Sku: 1IFLCV1SKS
  • Categories: Electronics

 "PC4 2400T Server 32GB" describes a DDR4 memory module with a speed of 2400 MHz and a capacity of 32GB, specifically designed for use in server environments. Server memory modules are engineered for reliability and performance to meet the demands of server applications where uptime and data integrity are critical. 

  1. PC4: This part indicates the memory module's DDR4 memory type. DDR4 (Double Data Rate 4) is a type of synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) commonly used in modern computers and servers. It offers improved performance and efficiency compared to its predecessors (e.g., DDR3).
  2. 2400T: This part represents the memory module's speed or clock frequency. In this case, "2400" indicates a memory speed of 2400 MHz (megahertz). The "T" may indicate certain memory module characteristics or manufacturer-specific details.
  3. Server: The memory module is designed and optimized for use in server environments. Server memory typically has features like error-correcting code (ECC) to enhance data reliability and stability, as server systems demand high levels of performance and uptime.
  4. 32GB: This indicates the capacity of the memory module. It has a capacity of 32 gigabytes (GB), which is a significant amount of RAM and is suitable for server applications that require substantial memory, such as virtualization, database management, and hosting.

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